Welcome to NCSAB.org
NCSAB President
Dorothy Young

OVRB Director
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind
Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services
P.O. Box 1698
Jackson, MS 39215-1698
(601) 853-5210 Phone
(800) 443-1000 Fax
Email: dyoung@mdrs.ms.gov
NCSAB Executive Committee
Dorothy Young, Mississippi – President
Greg Trapp, New Mexico – President-Elect
Shirley Robinson, Georgia – Secretary
Natasha Jerde, Michigan – Treasurer

Consumer Success Stories
List of success stories submitted by consumers. Be inspired and encouraged by the many testimonies and see the impacts of our services with life changing experience from the consumers. Read Success Stories
Stay Connected Join Our Listserv
NCSAB has many different list serves to help the members stay inform, share resources and connect with different groups and committees.
NCSAB and NABM are Hosting Trainings
NCSAB and NABM are hosting a series of trainings for vendors, SLA staff, lawyers and others on topics related to Randolph-Sheppard. Check out the Hosted Trainings section under Randolph-Sheppard to find out more!
Upcoming Events
Spring NCSAB In-Person Conference
Draft Spring Conference Agenda
Conference Participant Registration
Conference Exhibitor Registration
April 9 – 11, 2025
Hyatt Regency Bethesda
One Bethesda Metro Center, 7400 Wisconsin Ave
Bethesda, MD 20814
- Registration Opens Feb 7, 2025
- Early Registration Ends March 7, 2025
- Registration March 8 - 28, 2025
- Accommodation and dietary requests must be requested when registering. The deadline for accommodation and dietary requests is March 14, 2025.
Early Registration: February 7 - March 7, 2025
- Members Early Registration: $495 per person
- Non-Member Early Registration: $845 per person
- Group Registration (Members): $450 per person for 5 or more
- One Day Registration: $400 per person
- Speaker Registration: $300 per person for full conference.
- Exhibitor Early Registration: $1,690 (includes 2 persons per exhibitor table)
Late Registration: March 8 - March 28, 2025
- Members Late Registration: $545 per person
- Non-Member Late Registration: $895 per person
- Group Registration (Members): $500 per person for 5 or more
- One Day Late: $450 per person
- Presenter Registration: $300 per person for full conference
- Exhibitor Late Registration Fee: $1,740 (includes 2 persons per exhibitor table)
Cancellation: We hope to see everyone at the conference, however if emergencies should arise NCSAB can only reimburse ½ of your registration by March 21, 2025. No refunds will be given after March 28, 2025.
Hotel Reservations
Room Rate:
- $258 single/double + taxes (this is the conference rate)
- Hotel Link for Reservations: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/BETHE/G-CSA1
- Ask for the CSAVR/NCSAB room block.
- Hotel cut-off date is March 14, 2025. Rooms are available until sold out or the cut-off date, whichever occurs first. Then the hotel prevailing rates will apply.
Be aware: No smoking, vaping, candles, or any other items that cause smoke are allowed in the hotel room. You will be charged a $500 fine by the hotel. CSAVR/NCSAB cannot reverse this charge.
- All hotel cancellations for the CSAVR/NCSAB/NCSRC room block must be made through Theresa Hamrick at thamrick@CSAVR.org. CANCELLATIONS ONLY.
- If you have questions, please call Theresa Hamrick at 301-519-8023 or thamrick@csavr.org. All cancelled rooms will be assigned to those on the wait list.
- Ground transportation is estimated to cost $75-$85 from the airport to hotel.
- Ronald Regan National Airport is 12 miles (45 minutes) from the hotel.
- BWI Airport is 34 miles (54 minutes) from the hotel.
- The hotel is located on the Red Line if you use the Metro.
- Uber/Lyft is estimated $75-$85 depending on your ride choice. All prices are estimates and may change depending on the number of riders, time of day, and other factors.
The mission of the NCSAB is to promote through advocacy, coordination, and education the delivery of specialized services that enable individuals who are blind and visually impaired to achieve personal and vocational independence.
Natasha Jerde, Treasurer
2200 University Avenue West
Suite #240
St. Paul MN 55114
3535 NW 58th St, Ste 500
Please direct financial matters to Natasha Jerde
Telephone: 651-539-2272
Email: natasha.jerde@state.mn.us